TLDR: Here’s what you need to know about planning for your next multi-sport adventure trip, from research to fitness to packing, and more…

Multi-sport adventure trips are one of the best ways to experience a variety of your favorite activities alongside new adventures and athletic experiences.

For adventure-seekers and adrenaline junkies, multi-sport adventure travel can be a fun yet physically challenging way to spend time off in nature. But when it comes to getting started, what should you know? 

Kokopelli is here to help you get your bearings. Here are six steps to planning your outdoor adventure travels.

1. Research and Choose the Right Trip

When it comes to multi sport adventure travel, you can either chart your own course or choose from pre-planned and pre-packaged adventures. If you’re going the latter route, we recommend thoroughly researching reputable tour operators or adventure travel agencies.

If you’re looking to plan your own trip, you should think about the duration you want to go, activities involved, size of your group, and where you’ll stay. Don’t forget to prepare for worst-case scenarios with a first-aid kit, food and water, and other essentials.

And, as Adventure treks recommends, don’t be shy about bringing a fun item or two along with you, whether that’s a travel journey or astrology book.

2. Assess Your Fitness Level

Assess your level of fitness, and be honest with yourself about your abilities. More often than not, multi-sport adventure trips are also multi-day trips requiring a great deal of energy, strength, and stamina.

Obtain clearance from a healthcare professional if needed prior to adventure travel if you have any medical concerns or conditions that might affect your ability to engage in the activities associated with your adventure experience.

3. Learn Basic Skills

Thinking about going on a travel adventure with sports or activities you’re unfamiliar with or haven’t engaged in before? We strongly urge you to practice these in advance so you are not only physically ready, but also mentally prepared for what lies in store. After all, learning a new skill or sport can be as much of a mental challenge as it is a physical one.

Whether rafting, rock climbing, mountain biking, trekking, paddle boarding, biking, or any other activity, be sure you practice first.

4. Review Safety Guidelines

Multi-day adventure travel is often inherently more dangerous than other types of travel, because the activities involved are often much more arduous and advanced.

For instance, think of the difference between rafting on a river with Class IV Rapids compared to tubing on a lazy river.

Combine the difficulties and abilities needed from one sport with another, and you can understand why it’s extremely important to keep safety top of mind.

5. Create a Training Regimen

Consider your multi-sport trip and what activities you will be doing. Then, work backwards from there to create a training regimen that includes strength training, flexibility exercises, cardiovascular and endurance-building workouts, and of course, the actual activities you will be practicing.

Don’t be afraid to utilize fitness training apps and forums, or even our blog, “Stories from the Water” for tips and tricks when training.

6. Pack Wisely

The last thing you want to do is set out for your trip all mentally and physically prepared and then forget the essentials that you need to engage in the activities of the day. So be sure to pack thoroughly, keeping in mind both the activities you’ll be doing as well as the climate change you’ll be in and the amount of space you’ll have.

If you’re planning to include packrafting in your multi-adventure excursion, we recommend checking out our blog post “Maximizing Space: How to Pack a Packraft for Your Next Adventure”.

Prepare for Your Next Trip With Kokopelli

Ready to prepare for your next multi-adventure travel experience? Get your multi-sport adventure gear at

August 30, 2023 — Adrianna Simpson